Helpful Info
Heartworm Disease and Prevention
Heartworm disease is one of those things that is costly and dangerous to treat but easy and inexpensive to prevent. Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets that is caused by heartworms that live in the heart and lungs. Pets who are...
Grain Free Diets Concern
Are you feeding your pet grain free food? If you are, you should think twice about it. Grain free food has been the topic of discussion in the veterinary field for some time, and here is why. The FDA has and is currently investigating a link between a grain free diet...
Flea and Tick Info
As the weather gets warmer and we begin to venture outside with our animals, it is time for Flea and Tick prevention! Fleas thrive in a warm, humid climate. Once a female flea choses an animal as a host they can lay up to 50 eggs per day. This means if you have...
Memorial Day Hazards
With Memorial Day approaching quickly, here are a few tips to keep your furry family members safe. 1. Keep grills, open flames, or barbecues closed off to pets. No one wants their pets getting burnt. 2. Keep people food and...