(734) 426-8550 [email protected]

As the weather gets warmer and we begin to venture outside with our animals, it is time for Flea and Tick prevention!
Fleas thrive in a warm, humid climate. Once a female flea choses an animal as a host they can lay up to 50 eggs per day. This means if you have multiple pets, it is more then likely they will be infected as well.
If your pets are infested with fleas you may have to treat your home as well.
Ticks are commonly found in wooded, brush, high-grass areas. This does not mean that ticks are not in places such as dogs parks, backyards, and walking trails.
Although ticks also thrive in warm environments, they can also survive in less then ideal conditions. Ticks can survive in the winter as long as the temperature remains above 10 degrees Fahrenheit. To make matters worse, the temperature has to be below 10 degrees Fahrenheit for several days before ticks die.
Ticks can also spread many diseases, such as Lyme Disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis and many more.
If your pet has a tick on them it is important to remove them safely. Using a pair of tweezers grab as closely to your pets skin as possible and steadily pull the tick out. Wash the area with soap and water after removal.
Using a flea and tick preventatives such as Nexgard (dogs), Bravecto (dogs and cats), Frontline (dogs and cats), and others are important for maintaining your pets health. We recommend using these products year round. If you cannot do year round we suggest using them until a hard-frost, but as stated before this may not kill ticks and prevent them from attaching to your pets.
As always, feel free to contact us with any concerns or questions about flea and tick preventative for your pets.